Show mounted iso in VM
for i in `acli vm.list |cut -d " " -f 1`; do if [ -n "`acli vm.get $i | grep -A1 cdrom | grep container`" ] ; then echo $i ; fi ; done
Show started VM's
acli vm.list power_state=on
Show Installed Nutanix Guest Tools
ncli ngt list vm-names=<VM-Name>
ncli ngt list | grep -B6 "Active : false"
Set VM Affinity
vm.affinity_set vm1,vm2,vm3 host_list="fqdn_nkode1,fqdn_node2"
Change RF factor
ncli ctr edit rf=3 id=xx force=true
Show Upgrade history
~ /config$ cat /home/nutanix/config/upgrade.history
Control Time Drift
$ allssh '(/usr/bin/crontab -l && echo "*/1 * * * * bash -lc /home/nutanix/serviceability/bin/fix_time_drift") | /usr/bin/crontab -'
The script begins to gradually synchronize the time backwards. Lab tests show that time is synchronized backwards, until the clock is completely in synchronization with the external time source.
Display the progress of the time synchronization by using the following command.
$ allssh grep offset ~/data/logs/genesis.out
Turn off the time synchronization script after the time synchronization is complete by using the following command.
$ allssh "(/usr/bin/crontab -l | sed '/fix_time_drift/d' | /usr/bin/crontab -)"
view services not up
cluster status | grep -v UP
find prism leader
curl localhost:2019/prism/leader
check if foundation is running
allssh 'genesis status | grep foundation'
stop foundation :
genesis stop foundation
./foundation/bin/foundation_service {start|stop|restart|status}
check foundation version(s)
(allssh) cat ~ /foundation/foundation_version
Check genesis logfiles
tail -f ~/data/logs/genesis.outtail -f
exit Phoenix:
python /phoenix/
Speed up WINSCP
before start session : Connection -> deselect "optimize connection buffer size"
reset ESXi root password
ssh root@
pam_tally2 --user root --reset